DataCite Content Negotiation

What is content negotiation?

Content negotiation allows a user to request a particular representation of a web resource. DOI resolvers use content negotiation to provide different representations of metadata associated with DOIs.

What is DataCite Content Negotiation?

DataCite Content Negotiation allows you to retrieve metadata for DataCite DOIs in different formats. It can be used by an HTTP client by configuring its HTTP Accept headers, or directly through a browser by constructing a URL (see Link-based Content Type Requests).


Retrieving metadata for DOIs registered by DataCite and other DOI registration agencies

For more information on using content negotiation with DOIs from other DOI registration agencies, see the DOI Foundation's DOI Content Negotiation documentation.

Who can use DataCite Content Negotiation?

DataCite Content Negotiation is open to the whole community and does not require authentication. It is designed to provide direct access to all DataCite DOIs, simplify integrations and avoid format conversions.

How does DataCite Content Negotiation work?

The DOI proxy at will normally redirect a user to the resource location URL of a DOI. This applies to normal browser requests or explicit requests for text/html redirect to the content's landing page. For example, the DOI "" redirects to a landing page describing a dataset with the title "Excavation of a Romano-British Cemetery at the water treatment plant, Saltersford, Grantham, Lincolnshire".

GET "Accept: text/html" | | | V Repository landing page

Content negotiated requests to that ask for a content type other than "text/html" will be redirected to the registration agency's metadata service content negotiation service. For DataCite DOIs, this is the DataCite Content Negotiation service at

GET "Accept: application/csl+json" | | | V DataCite content negotiation service

Content Negotiation

The Accept Header

Making a content negotiated request requires the use of the Accept HTTP header. This header is used to indicate which content type(s) the client is able to understand.

For example, a client that wishes to receive citeproc JSON could make the following request:

curl -LH "Accept: application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json"

It is also possible to specify more than one content type. The order of preference is indicated either through the order of the content types, or through the inclusion of quality values.

For example, a client that wishes to receive citeproc JSON if it is available, but which can also handle BibTeX if citeproc JSON is unavailable, would make a request with an Accept header listing both "application/citeproc+json" and "application/x-bibtex":

curl -LH "Accept: application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json, application/rdf+xml"

The same request can also be made with explicit quality values (e.g., q=0.5):

curl -LH "Accept: application/x-bibtex;q=0.5, application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json;q=1.0"

Response codes

DataCite supports different response codes, listed below. If multiple content types specified by the client are supported by a DOI, then the content type with the highest "q" value (or, if no "q" values are specified, the one that appears first in the "accept" header) will be returned.

200The request was OK.
204The request was OK but there was no metadata available.
404The DOI requested doesn't exist.

Link-based Content Type Requests

DataCite supports link-based content type requests. This method can be used with a regular web browser. In order to get a specific format please construct a URL following this pattern:


Direct requests to the DataCite Content Negotiation service via only support DataCite DOIs.

Extra parameters, e.g., when using the text/x-bibliography content type, can be included via query parameters. For example:

curl ""

Supported Content Types

DataCite Content Negotiation supports a number of metadata content types:

FormatContent Type
RDF XMLapplication/rdf+xml
RDF Turtletext/turtle
Citeproc JSONapplication/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json in JSON-LDapplication/ld+json
Formatted text citationtext/x-bibliography
DataCite XMLapplication/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml
DataCite JSONapplication/vnd.datacite.datacite+json


Custom content types are no longer supported since January 1st, 2020

Registration of custom content types was retired on October 1st, 2019 from the content negotiation via and on January 1st, 2020 from content negotiation via All requests for unknown content types will then be forwarded to the URL registered for the DOI in the handle system. The media API will continue to support registration and retrieval of content with custom content types. More information is available in this blog post.

Formatted Citations

DataCite supports formatted citations via the text/bibliography content type. These are the output of the Citation Style Language processor, citeproc-js. The content type can take two additional parameters to customise its response format. A "style" can be chosen from the list of style names found in the CSL style repository. Many styles are supported, including common styles such as APA and MLA:

curl -LH "Accept: text/x-bibliography; style=apa" Archaeological Project Services. (1995). <i>Excavation of a Romano-British Cemetery at the water treatment plant, Saltersford, Grantham, Lincolnshire</i>. Archaeology Data Service.

A locale can also be specified. Use one of the locale names from the CSL locales repository:

curl -LH "Accept: text/x-bibliography; style=modern-language-association; locale=fr-FR" Dougherty, Eddie, et Gav Robinson. ยซ Land east of the Nursery, Medburn, Northumberland: Excavation Report ยป. <i>Archaeologia Aeliana</i>, vol. 50.5, Archaeology Data Service, 2022, p. 1โ€‘9, doi:10.5284/1101253


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